March 2020

Is your driveway just crying out for a new car?

Deciding between leasing a car or buying your own vehicle can be difficult and downright confusing, but leasing brings a huge host of added benefits and so in many cases, it’s a no-brainer.  Not only will you be able to drive brand new cars that are likely to be safer and more economical than older, second hand models, but you won’t have to worry about the depreciation value, and you’ll save on maintenance costs too!  So if you think your drive deserves a new car, read on! 

Piccolo drive

Similar to renting a property, leasing a car means that you’re making monthly payments for as long as the lease is agreed, usually around three years. You never own the car, meaning you never own the depreciation – we’ll get onto that later. Once the lease is over you simply decide which new model you want and start again.

Here are a few other things to think about:

No more second-hand. One of the main advantages of leasing a car is being able to get newer models which may be outside of your price range if you were looking at buying it outright. And surprisingly, having a newer model could actually help save you money in the long-run. This is because newer cars are more economical when it comes to fuel and can save on maintenance costs due to newer parts being less likely to develop faults. When you lease with us, you’ll get a brand-new car, which mean you’ll be the first named driver.

Piccolo Property BMW 

Bye-bye road tax! We cover your road tax fees as part of your monthly payment, which means you won’t need to worry about applying and paying the tax. Over the length of a multi-year lease, this could save you a lot of money!

Depreciation worries – gone. Everyone knows that as soon as you drive a new car off the forecourt it instantly drops in value. And this is true throughout the time you own the car – it’s never really going to be worth as much as you originally paid. A new car typically loses 50-60 per cent of its value after three years. By leasing the car, you don’t own the depreciation which means you don’t have to worry about how much money you’re losing each year.

Piccolo Property Audi

Save money by reclaiming VAT (if applicable!). Business owners or self-employed motorists can save hundreds of pounds over the whole length of an agreement due to being able to reclaim at least 50% of VAT whilst leasing a car. This means business owners can significantly reduce the overall cost of their leasing deal.

No damage to credit rating. Many believe leasing a vehicle might affect their credit rating when in fact, it could have the opposite effect. Making repayments on time shows lenders you can be considered a low credit risk, which could improve your rating in the long run. Be warned though, late payments could have the opposite effect and make you appear as a high credit risk.

If you want to find out more about leasing and have a chat about the different options, why not get in touch with Sean at Carisma Vehicle Solutions. 01722 645500 or

“I have been buying/leasing my personal vehicles from Sean now for over 11 years. He is so helpful and offers such a good price for such a personal service. I would not go anywhere else.”


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