January 2021

Tenants, Are You Struggling To Manage Money or Debt?

Community Money Advice (South Wiltshire) offers free, non-judgemental support for people who are struggling with money or are in debt.  Specially trained Advisors provide support, guidance and advice to help clients find the best solutions.

As the economic situation in South Wiltshire and across the country starts to get worse in the current lock down, many people will see a sharp reduction in family income. This can be from a variety of causes including unemployment, furlough and a reduction in working hours especially in vulnerable industries such as tourism, hospitality and retail. Other reasons why people may face difficulties include bereavement, relationship breakdown and illness and many people find that their limited savings are soon exhausted.

If you find that you are struggling with managing your money, rent or debts, it is much better to seek help sooner rather than later. Community Money Advice South Wiltshire is a newly established service delivered by South West Advocacy Network (SWAN) that offers free money and debt advice to the people of South Wiltshire.


CMA South Wiltshire offers a free service to help with personal budgeting and debt, and act as money mentors to anyone who needs it. Clients are supported to maximise income and reduce expenses, and a benefits check will be run to see if there is anything that may have been missed. If a client has debt, the personal financial statement is needed for negotiations with landlords, financial institutions and debtors, and clients will be supported for as long as necessary with this. The objective is to take a holistic approach and to provide clients with the knowledge and skills to manage their finances in the future as well as solving their immediate needs.

Advisors are volunteers who are trained by Community Money Advice, a national charity enabling community groups to deliver debt and money advice.  You can find more information at our website:


Referrals are being accepted by email: CMASouthWilts@swanadvocacy.org.uk

Telephone: 07710 031454


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